I Am Ready

Saw this Christmas photo and my thoughts just bubbled up
I am ready for Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter
I am ready for my family to gather ’round
I am ready for the bickering, the banter, the laughter
I am ready for Sunday dinners with friends and family
I am ready to go back to church
I am ready for Margaritas with friends
I am ready for group hikes
I am ready to resume my photography classes
I am ready for my Bunco friends’ meeting once a month
I am ready to go clothes shopping
I am ready to wear regular clothes
I am ready to meet friends for dinner
I am ready to go out to attend a play
I am ready to travel and see the rest of the world
I am ready to dress up for a real social event not a virtual one
Heels and make-up, yeah I am ready to wear them again
I am ready for my post Covid-life to resemble my pre-Covid life
Praying it won’t be long before it does

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